Have you ever wondered what is functional programming? This big buzz word everyone is talking about?

What is Functional Programming?

In Functional Programming everything is implemented using functions.

Functions are pieces of code which may receive some input value(parameters) and may return some output value.

In this case we have the say_hello function which has no parameters and no output value, this function prints to the screen “hello world”.

Rust Example:

fn say_hello(){
    println!("hello world");

Haskell Example:

say_hello = putStrLn "hello world"

And in this case we have the function add_one which has an input value num of the type i32 and returns that value plus 1.

Rust Example:

fn add_one(num:i32) -> i32{
    return (num + 1);

Haskell Example:

addOne x = x+1 

Why use Functional Programming?

Functional programming is one of the simplest programming paradigms and in most cases it’s speed is unmatched by the other programming paradigms, such as Object Oriented Programming.

The implementations are often cleaner and more concise, and it allows the developers to think about a problem in other angle.